Friday, January 10, 2014

"for the following that all the video games are good to make not getting bored.providing interactivity and information to the player. Video games are containing technological, mathematical, scientific and engineering abilities it can make a lot of technology computer's. More sell's products for income games for all the system games. More the exclusive for the games. Reading about the story and ending about any fantasy,history,war, a novel about the movies. Most of all company from another state's and country were basically have there own company that make sony,microsoft,midway,ubisoft, have there own games there make. Games make a lot more difference to make it, finish till month,and years to animate to make of. Not getting bored for all the isolation, and doing nothing. Any company that may supporting an incoming stores and buying products,video games are much more gives a lot detail, and feel more exciting is what you playing, and the boring things will never give you isolating. Every games make super hero mix a mythology,for company have made for media. “Make a game level up better”. Also music,graphic, can make more realistic art. Graphics,music,instrument, and realist amount of art media.physical benefits, To better understand how video games affect the brain, helping a lot of reading skills, learn The authors of the study hypothesized of an any sources of violent games, fun games. Gaining more critical thinking words that you recognizing the thoughts. helping every kids gaining their attention spans, and skill's considered crucial to reading. There were study shows the potential of video games any type of shooting were a all the enemy attacking you and other's, learn about potential studies and analyze optical data on the fly. Portal games can also containing a work games that you can make a loss weight you have play an sport games, dancing games,and boxing games increasing physical. Everything is knowledge and very interested about the storyline games".

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